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No. of Bed
Low Season
751 US$
High Season
867 US$
Peak Season
982 US$
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  • Airport transfer by private car, food starter pack, tourist assistance..
  • Villa Details
  • Canggu,
  • 50 minutes to the Airport
  • 30 minutes to Seminyak
  • 10 minutes to the beach
  • Swimming pool: Swimming pool: yes
  • 10 Seats Table for Dining
  • 4 Bathrooms
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    Built in a traditional Balinese style using some of the best modern materials, Villa Bunga Pangi provides a luxurious environment to relax and unwind in tropical Bali. The outlook is to padi fields across the River Pangi, which winds its way though Pererenan village and then westwards 1 mile to the ocean. Bunga means ‘flower’; enjoy a cocktail at sunset surrounded by flowers in the landscaped garden with the gentle sounds of the river in the background.

    The architect designed Villa comprises 5 separate pavilions with feature ceilings including 4 double bedrooms, a multi-media room, a separate modern kitchen, and a magnificent open air main pavilion. The main pavilion has a dining area for 8 to 10 guests, a sitting area that gives you a full view of the Villa, and a fully equipped custom bar. Conjure up your own cocktails and relax to your own kind of music on the iPod compatible hifi, or have a party and let our friendly staff prepare the food and drinks for you. Two of the bedrooms have double beds; the other two are twins but they can be joined to form double beds. If you have an extra (small) person then the staff can set out a cot or additional single bed. Each bedroom is complete with an en-suite bathroom, dressing area and hi-fi (including iPod connection). Air conditioning and ceiling fans are fitted in all bedrooms. The really comfortable beds have medium firmness King Coil mattresses imported from the USA. The master bedroom has a secluded outside tub for those who like alfresco bathing.

    For your entertainment, the air conditioned multi-media room will satisfy your needs with a 52 inch flat screen TV, surround system, Indovision (Cable TV) and DVD player. Have a browse through the DVD library or, if you’ve brought your own entertainment, you can hook up your laptop to the TV using the pre-installed cabling. Should work find you on your break there are 2 desks allowing you to benefit from Blueline wireless internet access.

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